Resolution FR 09 03
A Resolution
A Resolution supporting the need to initiate, organize, coordinate, and implement an FSM Annual Conference in collaboration with COM-FSM, the FSM states and National Department of Education.
WHEREAS FACSSO recognizes the importance of information sharing and discussions, is critical in the improvement of schools and school systems in the Federated States of Micronesia, and
WHEREAS tile importance of the FSM Education Conference convening on the months of annually as a medium for the States to deliberate, address, and propose viable solutions to improve the quality of educational services for the nation, and
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by FACSSO that the four State Departments of Education and the National Department of Education establish an annual conference iorum and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT FACSSO will make copies of this resolution and officially transmit it to the Office of the President, Secretary of Finance, Director of SBOC, State Governors, FACSSO members, JEMCO, and any other appropriate person.
Signed on this day of January, 2009