Department of Educations
Gardenia Aisek
Department of Education
FSM National Government
Facsso Members

Dr. Margarita Cholymay
Chuuk Department of Education

Dr. Tulensru Waguk
Kosrae Department of Education

Stanley Etse
Pohnpei Department of Education

Dominic Fanasog
Yap Department of Education

Dr. Theresa Koroivulaono
College of Micronesia – FSM
The Title 40, Section 113 FACSSO
(1) The Department of Education or its successor entity will periodically as necessary convene meetings of the Chief State School Officers and the President of the College of Micronesia-FSM, for the purpose of increasing cooperation and coordination between the States and National Government and ensuring quality educational programs and facilities for students in the following areas:
(a) setting and attaining minimum standards for educational administration, programs and facilities;
(b) obtaining and equitably distributing national and external financial assistance for education;
(c) providing technical assistance to the States and sharing experience and data on how to improve the administration of educational programs; and
(d) anticipating and meeting the needs of FSM students in the area of post-secondary education.
(2) The Secretary of the Department of Health, Education and Social Affairs or his successor or designee, the four Chief State School Officers and President of the College of Micronesia-FSM, when meeting in their official capacity, shall be known as the FSM Association of Chief State School Officers, or FACSSO.
(3) Upon discussing and reaching a consensus on educational issues, FACSSO shall formally adopt, in the form of resolutions, its findings and conclusions, as well as the reasons or principles upon which its resolutions are based.
(4) The Secretary of the Department of Health, Education and Social Affairs, or his successor or designee, shall promptly transmit FACSSO resolutions to the FSM President and to other persons as appropriate.
(5) The Secretary of the Department of Health, Education and Social Affairs, or his successor or designee, shall maintain a book of FACSSO resolutions arranged consecutively according to date of adoption, and indexed according to subject matter.
Source: PL 8-132 § 14; PL 11-68 § 1.