The Federated States of Micronesia strategic development plan aims to provide a holistic approach to addressing the economic challenges and opportunities in FSM, with a focus on sustained growth, sector-specific strategies, and infrastructure enhancement.
The 20 JEMCO Indicators purpose is to report both to Stakeholders in the FSM on the status and progress of education, meet JEMCO requirements and improve decision making on education issues in the FSM.
The Education Management Information System (EMIS) was being implemented through the Department of Health, Education, and Social Services (DHESA) in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) with assistance from The Asian Development Bank (ADB). It has the capacity to bring about substantial change to the delivery of educational services across FSM.
The audit looked into every aspect and position within the National Department of Education (NDOE). It involved one-on-one interviews with all NDOE staff, who willingly and eagerly took the time to meet with the auditor. They openly discussed the crucial needs related to technical support and requirements for ensuring that states deliver quality education services.
School improvement planning is a mandated requirement for all schools in FSM. This booklet offers guidance to State Departments of Education and schools on how to set about managing and conducting the process of school improvement planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting.
The Focused Strategic Plan (FSP) for the National Department of Education (NDOE) spans from 2009 to 2015, serving as a guiding roadmap for educational development. In line with the national Strategic Development Plan of 2004-2023 and the Millennium Development Goals for education.
The audit undertaken looked at all functions and roles of the National Department of Education. This involved one on one interviews with all NDOE employees who generously and enthusiastically gave their time to meet with the auditor and candidly discuss the critical imperatives regarding the technical assistance and requirements of the NDOE has to perform to ensuring the States are providing quality education services.
The FSM Education Department has upgraded its internet connection and technology infrastructure to enhance efficiency and ensure a reliable networking system. These improvements also encompass other technology-related systems, aiming to provide a more robust and dependable technological environment.
The 2011 JEMCO 20 Education Indicators report has been updated to include Indicator #21, which has been provided by the Postsecondary Education and Scholarship Unit within the department. This new addition highlights postsecondary education and specifically addresses financial investments in scholarships.
FSM Education has officially adopted the JEMCO Indicators as its standard metrics for evaluating and reporting on educational progress within the FSM. These indicators have been renamed the FSM Education Indicators to better align with the department’s specific needs and context. This adoption reflects a commitment to using these established benchmarks to assess and improve the quality of education in the FSM.
The first FSM Education Indicators Report was produced following the adoption of the JEMCO Indicators as FSM Education's official metrics. This report marks the initial use of these indicators to evaluate and report on the educational progress and performance within the FSM.
The FedEMIS platform was developed in-house with initial support from a software architect and database developer. Local technical staff were involved in adapting, piloting, and rolling out the system, which helped build local expertise and ownership. The project focuses on enhancing the skills of the Data and ICT teams in areas such as database design, software development, server administration, web design, and data analysis. Additionally, targeted technical assistance from regional resources, including the SPC EMIS facility and UNESCO Institute of Statistics, will be used to further support training and professional development for both state and national staff.
After fully passing U.S. Congress, President Biden has just signed the Compact Amendments Act of 2023 into law.