National Government
Telephone: ( 691) 320- 2609/2647/2303 Website: https://www.national.doe.fm
Position | Education Performance Reporting TA (Web System Development) |
Nature of the Assistance | Remote |
Tentative Duration | 7 June 2024 to 30 September 2024 |
Maintenance/Support Duration | 1 October 2024 to 31 March 2025 |
Deadline for Submission | 21 May 2024. |
Implementing Agency | National Department of Education, FSM |
Contact Person (submission) | TO: Wayne Mendiola (Wayne.Mendiola@national.doe.fm) |
Questions/Clarifications | TO: Weison Weital (Weison.Weital@national.doe.fm) |
The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) is currently undergoing a number of inter-related projects concurrently with the aim to improve the quality of education for the nation. The Improving Quality Basic Education (IQBE) initiative is primarily focused on improving basic education through teacher training among other activities. The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is an initiative to support education reform in countries in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In particular, GPE funded activities already carried out a comprehensive assessment of education sector and has developed the Education Sector Strategic Development Plan (ESSDP) in 2019-20 and ties in various on-going efforts largely funded by the United States through fund managing organizations (JEMCO/COMPACT). It is becoming increasingly important to further improve overall education sector performance measures and accountability reporting. A well-established method of achieving this is through better data management. In 2016-17 a joint-project[1] was launched in the FSM which eventually resulted in the Federated States of Micronesia Education Management Information System (FedEMIS). The FedEMIS has since resulted is much higher quality of data and is constantly improving and being customize to support other activities taking place.
One of the areas that remains in need of further improvement is the quarterly performance reporting by the FSM government’s National Department of Education (NDOE) and the States Department of Education (SDOEs). While the NDOE and SDOEs have been submitting quarterly reports for some years, a number of issues exist that need to be further improved. In view of this, NDOE has since started works on a new management information system called the Integrated Plan and Quarterly Reporting System (IPQRS). The system is already in use but continues to need new features changes. The work described in this request for proposal is the next phase of work for this software.
The objectives of this project are listed below. Some of these have already partially/fully been met in previous phases of this project.
- Establishing meaningful performance reporting by the National/States Departments (partially achieved; to be refined internally within NDOE/SDOE).
- Establishing a solid standardized approach to quarterly performance reporting (partially achieved; to be refined internally within NDOE/SDOE).
- Implement a software system to produce Integrated Plans, generate Quarterly Performance Reports and Annual Summary reports. (the base system was developed and put into production, this phase enhances it with new features as requested by stakeholders)
- Training to adopt the new standardized quarterly performance reporting framework/web-based database system. (on-going internally within NDOE/SDOE)
This phase is mainly concerned with the implementation of the system. Full details of the scope of work can be found in the section ATTACHMENT A: Scope of Work.
Budget and Timeframe
Due to the nature of the work (primarily software development,) it is expected that all the works within this contract will be done remotely with collaboration through video conferencing tools. Should the project go well and remain on schedule there is a possibility of additional budget in the next year. Tentative timeframe is from June 7, 2024 to September 30, 2024. Work after the September 2023 deadline can continue for another 6 months especially in the form of maintenance and support.
Reports To
The chosen Firm or Consultant will report to the National Department of Education (NDOE) Data/IT team. The specific team members will be identified and specified during contracting.
Experience Required
A minimum of 15 years of experience in:
- Working with government departments at the national, district (i.e. provincial, states, etc.) or lower levels.
- Designing and developing performance monitoring, project management, tracking and other similar systems.
- Designing and developing modern web-based database-driven systems in one of the main software technology stacks in the sub-section Technology Constraints.
- Ability to translate unrefined data models with accompanying excel templates (attached as addendum) into well structured, flexible and simple systems.
- Designing and developing professional looking dynamically generated reports based on a simple data model.
- Designing and developing RESTful API and systems and integrated well with other system if ever needed.
- Experienced in the use of software version control and management tools such as Git/Github.
- Training staff in adopting new systems.
- Excellent report writing skills.
- Very good English communication skills.
Desirable Experience (Optional)
- Advanced degrees such as an Engineering Degree, Master’s Degree or Ph.D.
- Work in developing countries including small Pacific Island nations.
- Being already familiar with the work of the FSM SDOEs and NDOE. Having been part of the previous of this project.
Submission for the Request for Proposal (RFP)
NDOE invites interested firms, consultants or contractors to submit their proposal to the contact person as stated at the beginning of this document no later than 7 June 2024.
After reviewing this document and it’s addendum in full, interested applicants must prepare and submit their proposal before the deadline. Any questions/clarifications shall be directed to the assigned person listed in the Summary section at the beginning of this document. The proposal must include the following:
- Proposed costing.
- Simple but detailed project plan outlining a few milestones and their estimated dates.
- Proposed software technology stack to build the system (only if there are any changes from the current technologies used).
- Relevant expertise in the proposed software technology stack to build the system.
Selection Method
Due to the nature of the work this is not allocated to the lowest bidder but the overall most qualified one based on a number of internal criteria. Should there be more than one bidder with the same score the lower bid will then win.
Appendix A: Scope of Work (aka. Terms of Reference)
The scope of work (often known as Terms of Reference) defined herein is for the Education Performance Reporting Technical Assistance (Web-based System Development).
Project Summary
Note that the project summary includes items from previous years since this projects spans over several years.
Timeline | Key points/events |
Phase 1 and 2 (COMPLETE) | Review the deliverables submitted by the consultants as part of phase one of this project (completed last year). |
As needed, review all State and National Education Integrated Plans and outline all identified goals and objectives. | |
As needed, review all State and National Quarterly Performance Reports and outline all identified goals and objectives. | |
Work with State and National Departments of Education to revise the Integrated Plans and Quarterly Performance Reports to eliminate irrelevant and/or redundant text. New reports should be informative but concise. No more than five pages. | |
Properly align quarterly performance reports and integrated plans so goals and objectives are consistent and progress on goals and objectives provided quarterly. | |
Work closely with the NDOE/SDOE data team for the data component required in the reports. | |
Finalize a standard and uniform integrated plans template and quarterly performance report template for the State and National Departments of Education to adopt at the earliest possible time. | |
Finalize a user guide explaining how to prepare the quarterly performance report and a process for briefing relevant stakeholders on the contents of the report and disseminating information to the public – i.e. quarterly briefs with Governor and Cabinet Members, Legislature, Education Board Members, School Principals, PTAs and communities. | |
Collect data from State and National Departments of Education and work with staff to prepare four quarterly performance reports using the above established standard report – assistance preparing reports may be for two years as necessary. | |
Prepare a one to two pages annual summary report summarizing the quarterly performance reports and highlighting key achievements, challenges, and plans for next fiscal year. This may be in addition to or incorporated as part of the Education Indicator Report/Education Digest. | |
Phase 3 (COMPLETE) | Development of the Integrated Plans and Quarterly Performance Reports web-based database system. |
Assist NDOE technical team with deployment into production. | |
On-going support to NDOE/SDOEs on all the above. | |
Phase 4 (ON-GOING) | Development of new features in the Integrated Plans and Quarterly Performance Reports (IPQRS) web-based database system. |
On-going assistance to NDOE technical team with deployment of upgrades into production. | |
On-going support to NDOE/SDOEs on all the above. |
The name of the software system to be built shall be called the “Integrated Plan and Quarterly Reporting System (IPQRS)”.
Deliverables for previous contract(s) (included for informational purposes)
The deliverables for the previous contracts mostly part of the planning and analysis phases of the systems life cycle are included below for informational purposes.
- A complete and final informative but concise Integrated Plans template that is accepted by all stakeholders including the four States and the National Departments of Education (in other words a consistent template to be adopted by the 5 departments).
- A complete and final informative but concise quarterly performance reports template that is accepted by all stakeholders including the four States and National Departments of Education (in other words a consistent template to be adopted by the 5 departments).
- The integrated plans and quarterly performance reports templates may be integrated into the same tool such as excel with an automatically generated report as proposed by the consultants who worked on phase 1 of this project.
- The quarterly performance reports for the 3rd and 4th quarters of this year shall be submitted using the above complete and final report template.
- A simple user guide for the preparation of the Integrated Plans, Quarterly Performance Reports and Annual Summary of Quarterly Performance Reports.
- Staff from NDOE and SDOEs shall be trained and assisted in submitting their quarterly performance reports and integrated plans.
- A fully functional web-based version of the Integrated Plans and Quarterly Performance Progress Report Tool (also referred to simply as the “system” throughout the text).
- A simple (no more than 1 page) step-by-step systems administrator guide technical experts would be able to use to deploy the system.
- A simple (no more than 1 page) step-by-step developer’s guide a experience software developer would be able to read and get started quickly contributing to this system.
- A detailed user guide for users of the system.
- Training on the new system to the NDOE technical team and other assigned members.
- The source code in full.
- An updated web-based version of the Integrated Plans and Quarterly Report System (IPQRS) (also referred to simply as the “system” throughout the text).
- An updated simple (no more than 1 page) step-by-step systems administrator guide technical experts would be able to use to deploy the system.
- An updated simple (no more than 1 page) step-by-step developer’s guide an experience software developer would be able to read and get started quickly contributing to this system.
- An updated detailed user guide for users of the system.
- Training on the new system to the NDOE technical team and other assigned members.
- The source code in full updated with all latest features and fixes.
Timeline (Attempted)
The proposal should include an estimated timeline of events. The best way to do this is to refer to the Github issues at the following repositories and identified an estimated timeframe for completion of each issue.
- Minor refinements developed, tested and launched into production.
- Budget module developed, tested and launched into production.
- Dashboard data analysis developed, tested and launched into production.
- Creation of new Integrated Plans based on templates developed, tested and launched into production.
- Authentication and authorization framework completed.
- Updated systems administrator instructions and deployments in collaboration with NDOE technical team.
- Updated developer instructions and deployments in collaboration with NDOE technical team.
- Updated user guide in collaboration with NDOE technical team.
Simple status reports of the work being done shall be submitted every month. This only needs to be a few bullet points communicating the progress and whether work is on schedule. Better yet, the progress updates can be done as they occur directly in the Github software repositories.
Technology Constraints
Technology constraints for this software project are as follows.
- When possible, adopt existing mature open source libraries as oppose to “reinventing the wheel”. Discuss choice of open source libraries with NDOE IT team and their technical lead adviser prior to adopting.
- All code shall be the property of the Federated States of Micronesia Government where possible and unless forced to be open source by other software licenses in use.
- All code shall be developed within a Git repository that NDOE/SDOEs have ownership and full access to monitor and submit issues.
- The system shall continue to be developed in the Python programming language (https://www.python.org/), FastAPI framework (https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/), PostgreSQL database (https://www.postgresql.org/) developed and tested under the Linux operating system.
- The UI will continue to be developed in ReactJS.
- The reports will continue to be developed in jsreport (https://jsreport.net/).
- The system shall be developed using the latest available software versions at the time of start and upgraded throughout entire project duration.
Any change in technology constraint MUST be communicated with NDOE data team and agreed before proceeding.
Software/System Requirement Specifications (SRS/SyRS)
The original requirements of the software are detailed the Table 1: Software and Systems Requirements Specifications below. New features and changes to original features are now desired the actual details of work to be undertaken are detailed in the Github issues listed below.
Work considered as new feature or significant changes:
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/7
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/11
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/4
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/5
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/13
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/135
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/161
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-report/issues/4)
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-report/issues/3)
Work considered as minor feature, refinements or chores:
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/2
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/3
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/6
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/11
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/11
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/14
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/15
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/130
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/131
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/135
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/141
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/142
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/143
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/150
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/152
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/154
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/159
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/160
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/162
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/165
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/166
- https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-report/issues/1
The Table 1: Software and Systems Requirements Specifications contains a detailed list of all the requirements of the systems and should be considered carefully when preparing the proposal. Requirements specifying “shall” are mandatory, those specifying “should” are desirable but non-mandatory and those specifying “may” are non-mandatory suggestions. In other words, “shall” requirements must be done as soon as possible while “should” and “may” requirements may become part of future works. In your proposal stating what you are able to achieve bug free within your proposed budget and timeframe will be considered as a criteria in the selection.
Table 1: Software and Systems Requirements Specifications
Process Requirements
Identification (ID) | Requirement | Status | ||||||||||||||
Design Constraints | ||||||||||||||||
DC-BACKEND-1 | The system shall have a backend built using either Python/FastAPI/PostgreSQL | Completed | ||||||||||||||
DC-DATAMO-1 | The data model for the system should adhere to the one shown in Appendix C: Data Model. Deviations from the model are accepted with justifications and without loss of flexibility and functionality. | Completed | ||||||||||||||
DC-DATAMO-2 | The data model shall have modifications based on user feedback and evolving needs. There shall be issues for each needed modifications and the prototype data model will also include those modifications. https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/6 | Not started | ||||||||||||||
DC-UITECH-1 | The system shall have either of the following as the web-based User Interface (UI): · Classic server side driven templating system; or · Single Page Application (AngularJS/TypeScript) | Completed | ||||||||||||||
DC-UITECH-2 | The front end UI shall be based on some implementation of the Material Design and should adopt an existing theme to speed up work. A proposed example in the case of Angular would be the Vex Admin Template (https://vex.visurel.com/) | Completed | ||||||||||||||
Interface | ||||||||||||||||
IN-WELCOME-1 | The front end UI shall have a welcome page with clear directions for users (e.g. nice button to various pages of the app with short description) | Completed | ||||||||||||||
IN-DASHBOARD-1 | The front end UI should have a dashboard with summary analysis (charts, trends, etc.) Prototype: http://ipdoefm.nuzusys.com/html/ltr/ipdoefm-template/dashboard-modern.html Further Details/Discussions: https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/137 | Not started | ||||||||||||||
IN-IP-1 | The front end UI shall have a page(s) to Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) the Integrated Plans. An Integrated plan is create by a department every year. Prototype: http://ipdoefm.nuzusys.com/html/ltr/ipdoefm-template/integrated-plans.html Prototype: http://ipdoefm.nuzusys.com/html/ltr/ipdoefm-template/integrated-plans-edit.html | Completed | ||||||||||||||
IN-IP-2 | The front end UI shall have modifications based on user feedback and evolving needs. Each modifications shall be detailed in their own issues. Further Details/Discussions: https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/144 | Not started | ||||||||||||||
IN-QRMONITORING-1 | The front end UI shall have a page to CRUD (actually just the RU is relevant) the Quarterly Monitoring data. Prototype: http://ipdoefm.nuzusys.com/html/ltr/ipdoefm-template/quarterly-monitoring.html Prototype: http://ipdoefm.nuzusys.com/html/ltr/ipdoefm-template/quarterly-monitoring-edit.html | Completed | ||||||||||||||
IN-QRREPORT-1 | The front end UI shall have a page to view, print and send by email Quarterly Reporting reports. This is mostly based on data entry in IN-IP-1 and IN-QRMONITORING-1. Prototype: http://ipdoefm.nuzusys.com/html/ltr/ipdoefm-template/quarterly-reporting.html · Annual Summary Report: calculated based on submitted Integrated Plan, Quarterly Monitoring progress data, and some additional basic data to be entered by user. Refer to IN-ANDA-1 | Completed | ||||||||||||||
IN-BUDGET-1 | The front end UI shall have a page to CRUD all expenses in details referred to has the Budget module. The prototype Data Model will be updated to describe the fields in details and a excel spreadsheet will be shared to inspired the UI in this page. Further Details/Discussions: https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/5 | Not started | ||||||||||||||
IN-ANDA-1 | The front end UI should have a page to CRUD the Annual Performance data. This shall require a few fields to capture basic data such as key achievements, challenges, and plans for next fiscal year. This page could also be simply part of IN-IP-1 page instead. | Not started | ||||||||||||||
IN-ANREPORT-1 | The front end UI shall have a page to view, print and send by email Annual Reporting reports. This is mostly based on data entry in IN-IP-1, IN-QRMONITORING-1 and IN-ANDA-1. Refer to IN-QRREPORT-1 for the type of UI page required. | Not started | ||||||||||||||
IN-SETTINGS-1 | The front end UI shall have a settings page (IN-SETTINGS-1) shall have support to load a custom logo in the Organizations settings. Prototype: http://ipdoefm.nuzusys.com/html/ltr/ipdoefm-template/settings.html Production: | Completed | ||||||||||||||
IN-SETTINGS-2 | The front end settings page (IN-SETTINGS-1) shall have support to load a custom logo in the Organizations settings. Further Details/Discussions: https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/141 | Not started | ||||||||||||||
IN-UTILITIES-1 | The front end UI should have a Utility page with support to set the responsible for each Activity (or possible Activity Output) for a whole Integrated plan in one operation. Further Details/Discussions: https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/140 | Not started | ||||||||||||||
IN-UTILITIES-2 | The front end UI shall have a Utility page with support for Congress member to easily review, make adjustment to budgets and finally approve an Integrated Plan. Further Details/Discussions: https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/139 | Not started | ||||||||||||||
IN-USERS-1 | The front end UI shall have pages where users can be managed (in the settings). Prototype: http://ipdoefm.nuzusys.com/html/ltr/ipdoefm-template/users-list.html Prototype: http://ipdoefm.nuzusys.com/html/ltr/ipdoefm-template/users-edit.html | Completed | ||||||||||||||
IN-GROUPS-1 | The front end UI may have pages where groups can be managed (in the settings). Groups would only be used as means to organize users. Groups are now handled as Units (a User can be part of one or more than one Organization/Division) | Completed | ||||||||||||||
IN-ROLES-1 | The front end UI shall have pages where roles can be managed (in the settings). Roles shall be the means to organized permissions. | Started/Incomplete | ||||||||||||||
IN-RESTAPI-1 | The system backend should have a RESTful API for possible integration with external applications in the future. | Completed | ||||||||||||||
Functional | ||||||||||||||||
FU-AC-1 | The system shall have a simple but flexible Users/Groups model with basic access control to the various resources. This model shall at a minimum enable the following constraints: · A department should be able to both create/update their own data (e.g. an Integrated Plan object created by the NDOE would only be accessible to members of the NDOE Admin group, one created by one of the SDOEs (e.g. Pohnpei State) would only be accessible to member of the Pohnpei DOE Admin group, etc. · A department should be able to both also have view-only groups/roles (e.g. an Integrated Plan object created by a member of the NDOE Admin would only be accessible read-only to members of the NDOE Users group. · A super administrator that can do everything. Higher level of flexibility for access control may also be suggested and implemented. | Started/Incomplete | ||||||||||||||
FU-DATAVAL-1 | The system shall only accept valid creation of Quarterly Monitoring data (e.g. there shall be an existing Integrated Plan for which one can produce related Quarterly Monitoring data records) | Completed | ||||||||||||||
FU-PARAM-1 | The system shall only display report parameters for which there are valid reports. For example, let’s assume the NDOE created their annual Integrated Plan for 2022, then they created their first Quarterly Monitoring record for 2021 Quarter 1 (refer to PR-FISY-1). The available parameters for the Quarterly Performance Report would be Year: 2021 and Quarter: Quarter 1. | Completed | ||||||||||||||
FU-AUTHEN-1 | The system shall have a means for users to login, configure basic preferences and reset their passwords. Further Details/Discussions: https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/7 | Completed | ||||||||||||||
FU-AUTHEN-2 | The system should support OAuth2 in particular authentication using Google Accounts. Optional but desirable. | Not started | ||||||||||||||
FU-AUTHEN-3 | The system should support Active Directory authentication (Windows AC DC). Optional but desirable. | Not started | ||||||||||||||
FU-AUTHOR-1 | The system shall support the following Roles for per-object/record authorization:
Note: refer to Organization and Division in data model. Further Details/Discussions: https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/7 | Started/Incomplete | ||||||||||||||
FU-AUTHOR-2 | The system shall support the following permissions (with potential to define new ones as needed):
Further Details/Discussions: https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/7 | Started/Incomplete | ||||||||||||||
FU-AUTHOR-3 | The system shall support defining Permissions on Roles (refer to FU-AUTHOR-1 and FU-AUTHOR-2) Further Details/Discussions: https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/7 | Started/Incomplete | ||||||||||||||
FU-AUTHOR-4 | The system shall support users having one or more than one Roles assigned. Further Details/Discussions: https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/7 | Started/Incomplete | ||||||||||||||
FU-IP-1 | The system shall support creation of a new yearly integrated plan by organization. The newly created integrated plan shall be created either: · With all blank data to start from scratch (Complete) · From the previous years as starting data to save time in subsequent years https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-backend/issues/4 (Todo) | Started/Incomplete | ||||||||||||||
FU-IP-2 | The system shall support a means to lock an integrated plan once approved. Only that annual data for the integrated plan shall still be editable. | Completed | ||||||||||||||
FU-IP-3 | The system shall support a means to close an integrated plan when finalized including the annual data. | Completed | ||||||||||||||
FU-IP-4 | The system shall add support for refined validation on approval of Integrated Plans (IP). Further Details/Discussions: https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/145 | Not started | ||||||||||||||
FU-IP-5 | The system shall support calculating and showing budget summaries at the end of an Integrated Plan. Further Details/Discussions: https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/135 | Not started | ||||||||||||||
FU-QRMONITORING-1 | The system shall create all 4 quarterly monitoring records for the year for a newly approved and finalized integrated plan (refer to FU-IP-2) | Completed | ||||||||||||||
FU-QRMONITORING-2 | The system shall support a means to lock quarterly monitoring record as the quarters for the year lapse once approved and finalized (refer to FU-QRMONITORING-1) | Completed | ||||||||||||||
FU-QRMONITORING-2 | The system shall add support for refined validation on approval of Quarterly Monitoring (QM) (refer to FU-QRMONITORING-1) Further Details/Discussions: https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/143 | Not started | ||||||||||||||
FU-QRREPORT-1 | The system shall make available all new quarterly reporting for the year for a newly approved and finalized integrated plan (refer to FU-IP-2). However, the quarterly report to have some sort of status flag as follows: · Final (when quarterly monitoring is locked and final, refer to FU-QRMONITORING-2) · In progress (when quarterly monitoring data entry has started but not completed · Not started (when the quarter is in the future or when no quarterly monitoring data entry has started) | Completed | ||||||||||||||
FU-QRREPORT-2 | The system shall support dynamically setting all the filters in the Quarterly Reporting page (refer to FU-QRREPORT-1) Further Details/Discussions: https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/142 | Not started | ||||||||||||||
FU-ANDA-1 | The system shall make available the annual report for the integrated plan once all quarterly monitoring are finalized and annual data entered into the integrated plan finalized (refer to FU-IP-3 and FU-QRMONITORING-2) | Not started | ||||||||||||||
FU-UTILITIES-1 | The system should support the assignment of a responsible for each Activity (or possible Activity Output) for a whole Integrated plan in a single table and a single one operation. Further Details/Discussions: https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/140 | Not started | ||||||||||||||
FU-UTILITIES-2 | The system shall support the a simple process to review, make adjustment to budgets and finally approve an Integrated Plan with a special type of logged in user (Member of Congress). Further Details/Discussions: https://github.com/FSM-NDOE/ipqrs-ndoe-frontend/issues/139 | Not started | ||||||||||||||
Non-Functional | ||||||||||||||||
NF-OS-1 | The system shall have the ability to run equally well on the Linux or Windows operating systems. | Completed | ||||||||||||||
NF-SEC-1 | The system shall be developed following best security practices and shall be demonstrated secure against all common types of vulnerabilities with one or more of the following tools: · OWASP ZAP (https://www.zaproxy.org/) · Veracode (https://www.veracode.com/) · SQLMap (https://sqlmap.org/) · Dirb Tool (https://www.secuneus.com/dirb-tool/) · SCNR (https://ecsypno.com/) | Started/Incomplete | ||||||||||||||
PR-FISY-1 | The system shall record the year and quarter report in accordance with the FSM laws: Fiscal Year starts on October 1 and end September 30. For example, what is known as the fiscal year 2022 is October 1st, 2021 to September 30, 2022. In this example, the four quarters are: · Quarter 1: October 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 · Quarter 2: January 1, 2022 to March 31, 2022 · Quarter 3: April 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022 · Quarter 4: July 1, 2022 to September 30, 2021 | Completed | ||||||||||||||
PR-LICENSE-1 | The source code shall be property of the Federated States of Micronesia in all instances when the licenses of adopted libraries permit. In all other instances the software shall be open source. | Completed | ||||||||||||||
PR-DATA-1 | The data going into the database shall be sole property of the Federated States of Micronesia. | Completed | ||||||||||||||
PR-DEPLOY-1 | The system shall be deployed on a server of the choice of the NDOE. | Completed | ||||||||||||||
PR-AUDIT-1 | The system shall record a simple audit trail of what user created each record in the system at what time and what user last edited each record and at what time. The fields pCreateUser, pCreateDateTime, pEditUser and pEditDateTime may be used on each database table to achieve this. | Completed | ||||||||||||||
Performance | ||||||||||||||||
PR-PERF-1 | The system shall perform smoothly over low bandwidth Internet connections (can be as low as 1Mbps-5Mbps) | Completed |
Appendix B: Addendum
Some other documents will likely be useful in requirements analysis and are included as addendum. However, they are not published with this request for proposal publicly. Interested parties can request them via a simple letter that includes the line “we will not use for any other purpose then for this request for proposal. We will not share, make derivative work or misuse in any other way the property of the FSM Government.”
Here is the list of documents available:
- Integrated Plans Samples from past years
- Integrated Plans template refined by other consulting firm. It contains some useful ideas needed but does not work.
- Education Sector Strategic Development Plan (ESSDP) document for 2020-2024. Useful features of the ESSDP will be ported to this Integrated Plan and Quarterly Reporting System.
- The source code (in Python/Django) of the prototype backend developed to define the data model (https://github.com/ghachey/ip.doe.fm)
- The source code (in HTML/CSS/Javascript) of the prototype of the Web UI developed to define the UI specifications.
[1] Technical Assistance was received from the US government under the Supplementary Education Grant (SEG) and ADB’s regional grants for National Educational Planning and Management (NEPM).