IQBE: Request For Quotations-Laptops


15 Laptops

For projects governed by Procurement Regulations for ADB Borrowers: Goods, Works, Nonconsulting and Consulting Services (2017)

January 2020

[Note (to be deleted when issuing the document): This sample RFQ document is suitable for procuring off-the-shelf goods and standard specification commodities of small value. The contracts are normally of small value, short duration, and the Supplier executes the contract without sub-suppliers or sub-dealers. This RFQ document may be used to procure larger value contracts for equipment and vehicles available for immediate and direct delivery, such as those from a manufacturer’s or Supplier’s catalog. If imported goods are involved and/or foreign suppliers are requested, the document requires additional clauses for pricing and treatment of taxes and duties.

When included in a Procurement Plan as a result of a Strategic Planning Process, a threshold may be specified, and justification may be required for not using a more competitive procurement method such as open or limited competitive bidding.

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