Resolution # FR11-03
A Resolution requesting the FACSSO members to confirm their support and enforcement of the FSM Code Title 41, Chapter 4 which requires “The School Entry Immunization Act of the Federated States of Micronesia”.
WHEREAS, FSM Code Title 41, Chapter 4, § 403 states that no child shall attend any school within the Federated States of Micronesia unless such child have presented to an appropriate official of the school, a certificate of immunization against such communicable diseases as maybe specified by the Department of Health Services except as provided in section 404 of this chapter;
WHEREAS, section 404 of Chapter 4 states that a child maybe exempted from receiving the required immunization(s) upon submission of a statement in writing from a licensed physician that the present condition of the child is such that required immunization(s) would endanger the life or health of the child.
WHEREAS, the Department of Health Services from each state shall provide such official immunizations records, certified by licensed physician, licensed nurse or public health official may be accepted as verification of immunization by the school official.
WHEREAS, each State school officials shall maintain a copy of the certificate of immunization for each child enroll therein. The official certificate of immunization shall be returned to the parents, guardian of the child. In the event when a child is transferred to another school within or out of FSM, the school official shall include a copy of the said certificate upon forwarding the child’s school records to the receiving school within or out of FSM.
WHEREAS, in the event of noncompliance with the immunization requirements, the school official shall notify the State Department of Health Services, then an agent of the Department of the Health Services shall make all efforts to secure compliance with FSM Code Title 41, Chapter 4, § 403 in order for the child to return to school expeditiously.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that National Department of Education works closely and collaboratively with the FSM States Department of Education and the FSM States Department of Health Services and other appropriate agencies to collaborate and execute the intent of this resolution and provide their support through status report on the implementation of this resolution by April and July 2011.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the FSM President, Speaker of the FSM Congress, Governors of the FSM States, Chairpersons of the State Boards of Education and other supporting agencies.
Signed on this 25th day of February, 2011

Sr. Margaret Margou, Director, Yap DOE

Lugo Skilling, Acting Director, Kosrae DOE

Gardenia Aisek, Director, Chuuk DOE

Joseph Villazon, Director, Pohnpei DOE
Spensin James, President, COM-FSM