NDOE News and Updates— January 6 to 10, 2020, an Annual Work Plan meeting took place in Chuuk at the Chuuk Department of Education conference room. The Chiefs of Curriculum & Instructions, Staff Development Coordinators, and Testing Coordinators were all invited to participate in this meeting. The meeting was commenced with an opening prayer, followed by a welcoming remark given by the Chuuk DOE Director Graceful Enlet. Then the NDOE Assistant Secretary, Wayne Mendiola gave an opening statement, reiterating the purpose of the meeting and its expectations.
The purpose of the meeting was to combine all the SDOE and NDOE activities into one calendar year for better planning, more transparency and fewer conflicts of activities. The agenda for the meeting was introduced and shared by STEM Specialist James with the assistance of NDOE Assessment Specialist Yang and TCP Specialist Pedrus.
The agenda required that each program specialist present schedule of activities and then plot it onto the Work Plan calendar. However, the meeting process was changed to inputting all activities month by month on the calendar year. As recommended by the participants, all calendar of activities that are taking place or will take place were shared and inputted into the NDOE Google Calendar for the purpose that it can be shared with everyone. The calendar is now available on the NDOE’s website.
The following activities were addressed, shared, and recommended during the Work Plan meeting:
- Science SLO development workshop (Science Student Learning Outcome)
- Accreditation (school evaluation plan, budget and training)
- Assessment (NMCT Testing and Training on the assessment tool)
- Teacher Certification (NSTT testing and NSTT Training of Trainers)
- Data annual meeting and FedEMIS-FedSIS Training
- Special Services activities
- ESSDP (Education Sector Strategic Development Plan)
On the last day, the annual calendar was finalized and participants shared recommendations and issues. All states shared positive feedback on what was done collaboratively, and one activity that was recommended and included in the calendar was the next annual Work Plan meeting. The recommendation is to hold the annual Work Plan meeting early every school year. “This meeting will become an annual activity for the state and national education, the upcoming years,” reaction from the participants after meeting adjourned.