- Education News
- NDOE Press
NDOE Press – On February 20-24, 2023, representatives from national and state departments of education gathered to review policies for managing education data and set targets for 25 education indicators. The meeting was hosted by the Chuuk Department of Education, and the Director of the department gave welcoming remarks, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and teamwork for successful work moving forward.
One of the main objectives of the meeting was to review and revise the data policy. After finalizing the data policies, each state developed its own policy using the national format as a template. Once the data policies were completed, the development of targets for the next five years began.
During the meeting, both the national and state representatives presented their findings before setting the draft targets. Careful work was done when setting the targets, and gradual increases for each year were looked at carefully to ensure that they were both challenging and achievable.
The meeting was successful, and the Assistant Secretary of the National Department of Education closed it with words of appreciation to all the participants and the Chuuk Department of Education. Recommendations were made to follow up with the next meeting.
Collaboration and teamwork were key themes throughout the meeting, and it was clear that everyone involved was dedicated to improving education outcomes in their respective states. The setting of targets and the revision of data policies are important steps in achieving this goal.
The meeting between the national and state departments of education was an important opportunity to review policies for managing education data and set targets for education indicators. The collaboration and teamwork displayed by all participants were key to its success, and the setting of targets and revision of data policies will contribute to improving education outcomes for students throughout the nation. The proposed recommendations for follow-up meetings ensure that progress will continue in the future.